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Best Europe Visa Consultant in Chandigarh: What You Should Know Before Applying

Aug 24

3 min read





Every year many of the students are planning to migrate overseas for higher studies as studying from the developed country will open the ways of job opportunities and the better lifestyle. From last few years, many of the Indian students have migrated to overseas successfully settle down there, this has become the inspiration for others which inspire them to move abroad to make their dreams come true. If it comes, to choose the country for migration you have many options, but you should choose the country as per your profile and the course you want to pursue in the abroad. Moreover, as from last few years, students are hoarding towards the Canada, hence it has become the overcrowded area for the international students and as per this scenario we will not recommend you to choose Canada for the migration as Canadian government has to made few in the student visa which has made more difficult for the students to get student visa of Canada. We will recommend you to opt for the Europe as you will get visa easily and charges are very economical. To apply for the Europe study visa you need to hire the Best Europe visa consultant in the Chandigarh as only an expert Europe visa consultant will help you to get your visa within two months.

Let’s have looked the application procedure for the study visa for Europe:

Firstly, you need to understand in which category you are lying as Europe is having different type of visa which will allow you to enter in the Country for the limited time period as per visa restrictions.

After that you need to go to the nearest embassy office and ask them for the visa application form or you can contact then via e-mail.

You should submit your visa application at least four weeks ago so that if there is any error in your file, you will have time correct it or if you missed any of the important documents, you have time to arrange it.

You need to collect all the supporting documents which is required to apply for the Europe student visa.

You need to visit the visa office to set up an appointment and submit all the documents.

You need give the visa interview and pay the application fees.

After that you can collect the receipt and wait for a response.

Documents required for the Europe study visa:

There are lot of documents which is required to apply for the Europe student visa, you need to arrange all the documents and by keeping in the mind all the technicalities which is required by the European government. Let’s have a look at the list of the major documents which you need to apply for the Europe student visa:

Application form:

Application form is the first document which you need to arrange to apply for Europe student visa as you can download the application form from the official web site of the Europe and this is free of cost available on the website so you can need to fill thus form carefully and make sure to add all the correct details as if there is a false information in form could be the main cause behind visa rejection.

Passport size photo:

To apply for the Europe student visa you need to submit the two passport size photos, these photos should be clicked within three months and must be in the formal clothes. In the photos 80% of your face should be visible clearly and they should be clicked with the focus.

Valid passport:

You need submit the valid passport which is valid for at least three months after the end of your stay in the Country.

Residency proof:

In this you need to submit the residency poof to ensure that you are the legal citizen of the country to prove this; you can submit your Aadhar card.

Roundtrip reservation:

In this you need to submit the flight tickets for entire journey which include tickets for the arrival and the departure.

Proof of financial support:

To get the Europe student visa you need to prove to the visa officer that you have financial strong to bear your living expenses during your stay in the Europe.

Abroad Gateway is one of Europe study visa consultant in Chandigarh which will provide you the entire the needed guidance which you require to apply for the Europe student visa.


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Aug 24

3 min read





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